Tag Archives: snow

Snowmageddon 2011

As the first snowfall of the year blanketed my city last night, and I was gathered in the den with my family watching a movie, alternating between sitting fireside and lounging on the couch, I couldn’t help but think what an absolute lovely weekend I had. Nothing exceptional, just the kind of weekend that makes you feel warm and fuzzy and content inside. Basketball playing with the boyfriend, followed by a nice Friday night dinner date. An early morning 6 miler on the Greenline with my gals, a happy visit with a good friend, a Tiger victory at the Forum, and a fun girls’ dinner at Boscos. Sunday morning church with the family, afternoon brunch with my grandmother, a cycling class at the gym, and a lot of other good stuff thrown in the mix.

And I woke up this morning to find….it has been extended! SNOW DAY! I suspected I would probably not be going in early, but I was planning on arriving around noon and was pleasantly surprised to find that we would be taking off the whole day!

I don’t know what to do with myself. A free day with no plans? What does that even mean??!?

I’ve got some work related marketing research I plan on digging into, and I’ve been commissioned to work on some interior design aspects for our new office building, so I have some online browsing to do, but otherwise, what on earth am I going to do with this open, unplanned, totally unexpected free day?

I see a nap in my future, and a potential visit to the gym, some quality time with the brother, a walk through the winter wonderland outside my doorstep, and I’ll probably squeeze some movie watching in there, too. And then of course there’s some laundry that needs attention, and a crock pot recipe book I’ve been meaning to flip through, and my room could use a little TLC. But still, what a welcome luxury.


And literally as I was writing this, I spotted my neighbor outside building a snowman, so I threw on a scarf and mittens and ran out the door to join her. We made snow angels, and a little monochromatic snow buddy.

Off to enjoy the rest of my day! Stay safe and warm out there, my friends!


Snow Days

Snow days make me happy. I thought they didn’t exist in the real world, but much to my delight, I have been proved wrong. This morning over the phone, my boss shattered that myth with two magical words: STAY HOME. For the second time this year! So here I am, lying on my (newly assembled) bed and admiring the scene below. I love it when God shows off. And I adore this beautiful winter wonderland He has created outside my window.

This day makes me smile because it is filled with such possibility. Suddenly my strict schedule of meetings and obligations has dissipated, and my day is completely open. I can do with it whatever I wish.  Like clean out my closet, run six miles, catch up on some reading, and watch a movie. Launder, organize, write, and play. Music to my ears.

And I’m off! Wishing you all a warm, safe, and ultra-productive day!

my backyard covered in snow
