Tag Archives: Avett Brothers

Now That Moment Is Gone

The problem with concerts is that they end.

Somewhere along the string of songs, inside that lovely cloud of music, I often feel this pang of dread that the show will inevitably come to an end.

And this weekend, watching my beloved Avett Brothers in Springfield, MO was no different. They are wildly talented musicians, know how to put on a fantastic live show, and produce powerful lyrics that speak volumes. Their music is relatable and has a way of eloquently capturing emotions that can’t be voiced, and it is a downright beautiful thing.

I am giddy from the start, and Avett does not disappoint. We smoothly transition between deep ballads to acoustic duets to rocking group numbers to folky hymns and back again, and the guys nail every last one of them. It’s emotional, it’s passionate, it’s authentic, it’s raw, and it’s so good. I deliberately soak in every sensation, and I don’t want to see it go.

I sing along loudly, fully savoring the magic before me. I can feel the buzz of the bass lifting through my cowboy boots, and I want to freeze this moment and live inside of it. I want to stop time and put this experience in a box and keep it for future enjoyment. Pull it out whenever I need an Avett fix. But that’s not how life works. We are given these sweet opportunities to taste something beautiful, something that speaks directly to our hearts, but the moment cannot possibly be endless. Thankfully, however, once the encore concludes and the applause dies down, we walk away with the gift of memories, and that is a treasure in and of itself.

When nothing is owed or deserved or expected
And your life doesn’t change by the man that’s elected
If you’re loved by someone, you’re never rejected
Decide what to be and go be it

Head Full of Doubt, Road Full of Promise


A Setlist Worth Remembering

It’s been six days, and my mind keeps drifting back to that glorious Avett Brothers concert I attended this past weekend in Nashville. There were so many memorable moments, and the guys played so many great songs, I can’t help but reminisce. I find myself giddy just thinking about certain segments of the show, and I’m already anticipating my next opportunity to see them live. Which, lucky for me, is less than two weeks away. I’ve posted the setlist below, which will probably only interest people who are avid Avett fans, who witnessed the Bridgestone show, or who wish they had. I need it to look back on with fond memories, so here goes:

  1. Colorshow
  2. Go to Sleep
  3. Paranoia in Bb Major
  4. January Wedding
  5. Slight Figure of Speech
  6. Down with the Shine
  7. The Fall
  8. Salina
  9. At the Beach
  10. Distraction #74
  11. Die Die Die
  12. Pretty Girl from Cedar Lane
  13. The Ballad of Love and Hate
  14. Murder in the City
  15. Backwards with Time
  16. When I Drink
  17. And It Spread
  18. Denouncing November Blue
  19. Shame
  20. I Killed Sally’s Lover
  21. Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise
  22. Talk on Indolence


  1. Kick Drum Heart
  2. I and Love and You

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What I’m Loving Wednesday

Today, amidst a frantically busy schedule, I pause to consider the things I am thankful for right at this very moment.

I am loving The Genesis Record by Henry Morris. I recently mentioned that I am moving deeper and deeper into a study of the first book of the Bible, and this is one of the tremendous resources helping me do so. One of my dear friends let me borrow this massive commentary about Genesis, and it is just incredible. It is written with a highly scientific and theological emphasis and gives so much detail, explanation, and background to some of the Bible’s hardest questions, all the while showing Genesis to be literally and historically accurate throughout. I’m only in Chapter 2, and I am already enthralled.


I am loving that I currently hold the first place title in my NFL Pick Em Pool league. We’re 7 weeks in, and I’m going strong. Now I’ve just got to maintain for the duration of the season, and that’s certainly easier said than done. Just in case I fall from the top, though, I wanted to make sure to document this amazing feat.


I am loving the Avett Brothers, though this sentiment isn’t regulated strictly to this week; I continually feel this way. They are on my mind today in particular because I get to see them this weekend in Nashville, and I am SO excited! From the moment I first heard their music, Avett instantly became one of my favorite bands, and the more of their discography I discover, the more I like them. Exceptionally talented fellows, they are.


And lastly, I am loving that tonight is another baseball night. Game 6 of the World Series, and the Cardinals better be in it to win it. Everything is riding on tonight’s performance, so fingers crossed that they bring their best to the field. Game starts at 7:05pm.

What about you, what are you loving this week?

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