A Monumental Month

I miss you guys. Like really, really.

This month has been monumental, in a life-changing, breath-taking, love-affirming, God-thanking kind of way. One of the greatest months of my life, and I haven’t even had a chance to tell you about it.

Between spending ten adventurous days exploring Colorado, being surprised with a beautiful proposal, living in a state of absolute giddiness, celebrating the exciting news with family and friends, diving headfirst into the throes of preliminary wedding planning, researching every resort known to man in the Caribbean Islands, training for a marathon, trying on wedding dresses, and other life activities, I’ve barely paused to breathe, let alone visit the blog.

You want details, and I’ve got plenty for you. But details take on a whole new level when combined with photos, and uploading pictures off a camera seems like an insurmountable feat right now. Priorities, you know? But I’ll get there soon. 

For now, thanks for hanging with me during the drought. I hope to pick up the posting soon!

2 thoughts on “A Monumental Month

  1. Anonymous says:


    Aunt P.

  2. If you need info about the Caribbean, just let me know. Andy and I lived there for 16 months, so we’ve seen just about every island there is. I remember the joys of wedding and honeymoon planning well.

What do you think?