Tag Archives: resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

Let’s talk New Year’s resolutions. Are you for them? Do you make them? And, more convictively, do you stick with them?

While I enjoy challenging myself and therefore have no trouble coming up with resolution material, I do not make official New Year’s resolutions. Or at least I choose not to call them that. Instead, I prefer to take stock of the year behind me and find ways to improve upon it in the upcoming one. I look at the turning of the calendar as a chance to start fresh with new hope and possibility. While I believe any day is a great day to make a change (what are you waiting for?!), there’s something so refreshing about a blank calendar and 365 untouched days stretched across it. I envision what I want to do differently, better, and new; what I want my character to look like; and how I am going to make that happen. Some of my areas of focus include (and this is by no means all-inclusive, as I am perpetually in a state of self-improvement) participating in more community service projects, running more races, improving my domestic skills, uncovering new adventures, and beyond.

As we welcome 2010 with open arms and a champagne toast, take a moment to consider what you want your next year to look like.
