Tag Archives: Bible

on my mind, heart, and calendar

As I begin filling the blank slots in my planner with new adventures, festivities, and obligations, I am giddy over the endless possibilities that have yet to grace the pages. There is so much life to live! Make haste, my friends!

On my mind: I have many exciting vacation adventures in the works. Be it a road trip, camping trip, day trip, overseas trip, or any other variety of trip imaginable, I am interested. I want to do it all (and often have to be reminded that this is just not realistic). Working a full-time job requires that I be creative with my time off, an art form I have almost fully perfected. Mind you, I am certainly not complaining, as a salaried income provides a certain valuable resource that supports the ventures and dreams of my wanderlusting heart. At this stage, many of my potential opportunities are but seedlings in my mind, still waiting to be fleshed out and evaluated for feasibility. As I solidify plans, you will surely be informed.

On my heart: My latest undertaking involves a journey through the New Testament of the Bible. With a year-long schedule as my guide, I will travel through the truths, comforts, and revelations that God desires to share with me. At just one chapter per day, the schedule is totally manageable, and the benefits are exponential. I cannot even begin to fathom the transformation and inspiration a daily encounter with the Lord will allow. I will gladly share the schedule with any interested parties.

On my calendar: The cold (though rising!) temperatures will deter me from venturing out and about too much this month, which is actually quite nice when compared to the extreme hustle and bustle that characterized December. Aside from the office, the gym, Tiger basketball games, and the more-than-occasional friendly gatherings, I am perfectly content under a blanket with a riveting book in hand and my honey by my side.

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